Emergency Recovery Procedures This section will guide you through the recovery of your volume should something go wrong. I’ve tested this product for possible conflicts with all kinds of hardware and software to insure that you have no problems. If, for some reason, you do have a problem with MacPassword™ not working properly upon Startup, follow these instructions to recover and then send in a bug report (as detailed above) to help me fix the problem. Recovery Procedure You have received the MacPassword™ Utility program which will easily help you to recover your volume. If your are running System 6.x.x on your hard disk then follow the instructions starting with 1a. If you are using System 7.x.x on your hard disk, then start with instruction 1b: System 6.x Recovery (1a) Copy the “MacPassword™ Utility” program to a separate startup floppy disk containing a System 6.x.x system folder. Now rename "MacPassword™ Utility" to something shorter… like “MP Utility” and use the “Set Startup” command in the Finder (found under the “Special” menu) to make it the startup application on that floppy disk. Also make sure you have selected the “Finder” and not “MultiFinder” in that same “Set Startup” dialog and restart your Macintosh using that disk. Note: Make sure you have properly used “Set Startup” as described above or you will not be able to recover your volume! (2a) Now restart your Macintosh with the recovery floppy startup disk in the internal disk drive. When your Macintosh is restarted, you will find yourself in the MacPassword™ Utility program facing a dialog stating it “Can’t find the !MacPassword™ file”. Click in the “OK” button and use the standard file dialog to locate the “!MacPassword™” file in the System folder on your protected volume. Once the file is located, you will see the same password dialog you normally face when you log on to your protected volume. Please enter your correct password at this time. If correct, the program will continue and display a window and some menus. Now proceed to step 3… System 7.x Recovery (1b) Copy the “MacPassword™ Utility” program to a separate startup floppy disk containing a System 7.x.x system folder. (2b) Now restart your Macintosh with the recovery floppy startup disk in the internal disk drive. When your Macintosh is restarted, you will need to run the MacPassword™ Utility program. The utility program will search all online volumes looking for the copy of MacPassword™ that was installed on your hard drive. It should be able to be found. If not, you'll be facing a dialog stating it “Can’t find the !MacPassword™ file”. Click in the “OK” button and use the standard file dialog to locate the “!MacPassword™” file in the System folder on your protected volume. Once the file is located, you will see the same password dialog you normally face when you log on to your protected volume. Please enter your correct password at this time. If correct, the program will continue and display a window and some menus. (3) There is one option in the menu titled “Utilities” that you need to use. Choose the one called “Recover Volumes…”. There will be some disk activity and upon a successful recovery you will see a dialog informing you that all your volumes have been recovered. If there was some problem, you will also be advised. MacPassword™ Utility is very robust and should have no problems with recovery but if your hard drive is damaged in some way, then is may not be successful. (4) Choose the “Quit” option from the “File” menu and you should find yourself back at the Finder Desktop with all your previously protected volumes recovered.